Renee Metcalf
Classes for 10 week term
One Child Student: $140
Two Child Students in one family: $180
Three Child Student in one family: $220
Four or more Child Student in one family: $260
(Current paid members of the Irish Cultural Center & McClelland Library receive a 10% discount)
Scottish Country Dance Class for Beginners
Homeschool Enrichment-Specific Class for students 9 years old to 18. Other students are welcome.
What makes Scottish dancing Scottish? Is it the colorful kilts or the bagpipes?
Although they are icons of Scotland, Scottish dance music is frequently played on
violin, piano, accordion, or recorder. Lively jigs and reels as well as the elegant
strathspey danced with a partner in a set of three to four couples is the essence of
Scottish country dancing. It is the historical and social dance that originated in 17th
century Scotland!
Dances are taught for the beginner by a patient and experienced instructor. It is not
necessary to have previous dance experience, nor do you have to bring a partner, as
dancers change partners throughout class so as to include everyone. Typical footwear
is ghillies, which resemble a lace-up ballet slipper, but any soft, flat, and flexible shoe
may be worn. Women usually wear skirts or loose pants, and men may wear kilts or
pants. Make friends while developing musicality, balance, coordination, and fitness all
while having fun in a social setting.
A new section of our Scottish Country Dance class will be offered this term. This ten week class is tailored to the needs of the homeshooling community. The educational enrichment opportunity is open to all, both homeschoolers and other children
who would like to take advantage of a daytime class.
Class Day/Time:
Please check out the Academy’s Term schedule for more details.
About the Instructor:
Renee Metcalf: During her college days, Renee was introduced to Scottish dancing
through an international folk dance group. Later, a trip to Nova Scotia in 2000, where
the Scottish influence permeates everything, inspired her to learn Scottish dancing. In
2013, she received a teaching certificate with the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.
Dancing continues to be an important part of her life, and now she looks forward to
promoting Scottish country dancing, its history and culture, through the Academy of
Irish and Cultural Studies.