Remembering the Easter Rising:

Historical Context and Cultural Legacy


Dedicated to the Memory of William H. O’Brien McClelland Library Co-Chair and Arizona’s most loved Irish Cowboy

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Inquire about renting the exhibition here

Remembering the Easter Rising: Historical Context and Cultural Legacy is an exhibit that explores Irish history from the 17th Century through modern times. The exhibit gives visitors a brief overview of many major topics in Irish history as well as analyses of Irish history in direct relation to the 1916 Easter Rising.

The exhibit contains many artifacts in addition to reading material and an interactive component. Visitors typically spend at least an hour to experience the exhibit in full and the materials fill a 1200sqft room. The exhibit is now available for rent and to travel.  Materials include boards and possibly artifacts if requested in the rental agreement.

Please click the link on the top of this page to inquire about rental availability and rates.

Educator Guides based on Common Core Standards are available with the exhibit rental.
On October 13, 2015 the McClelland Library debuted it’s first self developed and curated exhibit Remembering the Easter Rising: Historical Context and Cultural Legacy in honor of the centennial of the 1916 Easter Rising.

For more information about the exhibit please see the following: Press Release or contact us at 602.864.2351 or email.

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

To learn more about the individuals and organizations that made Remembering the Easter Rising: Cultural Legacy and Historical Context possible and for more information on becoming a sponsor please call 602.258.0109 or email

Sponsorship Brochure (pdf)

Consul General of Ireland Philip Grant, Norman McClelland Co-Chair of the McClelland Library, and Paul Ahern ICLF President