Previous Ulster Historical Foundation Seminar

Tracing Your Irish and Scots-Irish Ancestors

with Fintan Mullan and Gillian Hunt
March 3 and 4, 2017, 9AM to 5PM

Many people believe that researching Irish ancestors is impossible because of the destruction of the Public Record Office in 1922. While many records were destroyed, others survived and have come online in recent years.

Join experts Fintan Mullan and Gillian Hunt from the Ulster Historical Foundation to learn how to get the most out of Irish resources and records, gain strategies for breaking down brick walls, and grasp important historical context that may help fill in gaps in your research. Whether you are just beginning your Irish research or have been at it for years, you won’t want to miss this seminar!

Different topics on Irish and Scots-Irish research will be presented each day. Attend one or both days.


Fintan MullanFintan Mullan is the Executive Director of the Ulster Historical Foundation. Working with technology partners, Fintan was a pioneer in the creation of online resources for Irish research and has maintained the Foundation’s prominence in digital database developments for Irish genealogy. As Executive Director of the Ulster Historical Foundation Fintan has managed the production of over 100 publications, including the popular Researching Scots-Irish Ancestors and has lectured extensively on Irish history and genealogy in the U.S. and in Canada, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand.

Gillian HuntGillian Hunt is Research Officer with the Ulster Historical Foundation and manages the Foundation’s many genealogical activities. She implements research for clients, teaches courses in Northern Ireland, and gives talks on family history in Ireland, the U.K. and U.S. Gillian has also carried out the research for a number of television programmes, as well as appearing in several.