Jim Daugherty
Jim has been married to his wife Anne Daugherty for 48 years and they have a son Ryan. Jim’s Irish roots are from his fathers side, his Great Grandfather was from Co.Sligo and his Great Grandmother was from Co.Derry. He went to Maryvale High School and received a B.S and M.S from ASU.
Jim has and does preside over many organisations. Some include Chair of Phoenix Feis, former President of the St. Patricks Day Parade Committee and former Chair of the Arizona Colleen Pageant. He was named the 2004 Irish Person on the Year by the St. Patrick’s Day parade committee and received the 2018 Anam Cara Award from the Irish Cultural and Learning Foundation.
Over the years Jim has been very active in Irish activities. He has performed in, and narrated, the Celtic Dance Academy’s Annual presentations of the Irish Nutcracker, accompanied two Arizona Colleens to Ireland for their prize trips, received numerous trophies for Gent’s Reel Specials, produces and presents the annual presentation of the 1916 Irish Easter Rising, participates as a Ulysses reader in the annual Bloomsday presentations and created and delivered a presentation on “The Great Hunger” to the 6th annual Genocide Awareness Week at Scottsdale Community College in April 2020. Jim and Anne together have also organised and held the Irish Cultural Center’s Third Friday Ceili for at least a dozen years.