Genealogy Workshop
“Finding the Source; a Survey of Irish Genealogical Websites and Databases”
presented by Miles Davenport
When: 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday February 18, 2023
Where: Class will be held virtually through Zoom
Workshop summary
Irish Genealogy Workshop at the McClelland Irish Library – “Finding the Source: A Survey of Irish
Genealogical Websites and Databases” provides an overview of fourteen of the top websites to use for
Irish family research. Instructor, Miles Davenport, will cover which sites are the most useful for different
types of Irish records and where to find detailed guidelines on how to best utilize these websites.
Examples of various Irish records will be included.
Workshop Prerequisite:
Previous attendance of our “19th Century Irish Genealogy Research” workshop or good working knowledge of Irish records and jurisdictions is strongly recommended.
February 18, 2023
11Am – 1PM

Frequently Asked Questions
What materials do I need for this class?
You do not need any specific materials. Make sure to bring whatever device (paper or electronic) you prefer to take notes on. Wireless Internet access is available during the class.
Where is the class held?
The Norton Room is located in the basement of the McClelland Library
How much does the course cost?
Each workshop costs $15 for Library/ICC members and $20 for the general public
How do I register?
Please click on the “Register Now” button at the top of this page.
What if I have additional questions?
If you have additional questions, please call the Genealogy Centre at 602.864.2353 or email us at
Thank you for your interest in our genealogy workshop offerings.