Evening Program Advertisement Opportunity
Congratulate award honorees Mary Moriarty and Sean Lee with your ad in the Gala program.
Full color ad specifications:
Full page ad $250 – live area is 4.5W x 7.5H”, trim size is 5.5W x 8.5”, full bleed ads add .25” on all four sides of trim size.
Half page $125 – live area is 4.5 x 3.75”, full size of ad is 5.5 x 4.25, bleed are acceptable, again add .25” on all four sides of the full size of the ad.
Thirty (30) word tribute $50
Acceptable files: completely packaged InDesign files, including fonts, images and logos, or press ready pdf files. If files are large please contact patricia.sahertian@azirishlibrary.org to make arrangements to upload files. If you are not designing the ad yourself, then we need all the copy and any images or logos.
Please send ad, components or thirty (30) word tribute to patricia.sahertian@azirishlibrary.org
All artwork must be submitted no later than September 30, 2016.